Where have you bean all my life?

We are a worker-owned cooperative joyfully fermenting tempeh without plastic bags

(with no bitter after-taste!)

Our premium tempeh is locally & regionally sourced, organic, and undeniably delicious!


Soybean plant with purple flower


Tempeh uses a fraction of the water and produces dramatically less CO2 than animal proteins, PLUS we don’t ferment in plastic bags like most other commercial tempeh makers!

Read more about our company

Sliced tempeh on a cutting board


Our tempeh is offered plain or pre-seasoned to match your cooking needs and inspirations.

Learn more about our products

Tempeh brussel sprout sliders on plate


We deliver a highly nutritious, clean and simple ingredient plant protein that (by the way) is mouth-wateringly delicious!

Check out our favorite recipes


 “Your tempeh is soooooo delicious! It’s night and day compared to the other ones available – Tootie’s is way better!”

— Tom, Bar Harbor, ME


Did you know that most commercial tempeh companies ferment their tempeh in single-use plastic bags? Then they vacuum seal it in another single-use bag. It’s true. But not at Tootie’s!

Tempeh fermented in plastic compared with tempeh fermented in a metal pan

We spent years refining our fermentation method to be plastics-free so it’s more sustainable for the earth and reduces our use of fossil fuels.

To deliver our tempeh refrigerated to stores, we still have to vacuum seal it in one layer of plastic so that it stays fresh for as long as possible.

We figured one layer is better than two: 50% less plastic!

We are committed to eliminating single use plastics entirely in our production process and hope to introduce recyclable vacuum seal bags in the near future. We are also experimenting with plant-based films - truly plant-based, not the green-washed type seen frequently marketed as sustainable.

Our outer packaging is a recyclable paperboard box - a big improvement over that second layer of single-use plastic!